A prime example of this type of work is the work of a photographer called Jeff Wall. Wall is a Canadian photographer who became well established in the 1970's and is best known for his large scale colour transparencies which he mounted in a light box hung on the wall. This approach gives a cinema screen glow and a 3D dimension to his work. Below is an example of his work title 'Passerby- 1996'
This photograph can be interperated in many ways by the viewers depending on how they view the world. Some could view it as a photograph of luck taken as two people talk pass one another and nothing more however a different view is that it was purposily taken at night and that the man in the right hand corner is planning on hurting the other passerby. either of these views of it could be true however you can tell it is staged as there is a cleardark and light side of then photograph which would never have happened in natrual lighting. The lightings creates contrast in the image which emphasises the atmosphere making it even more deliberate.
In the afternoon we then did a workshop on pinhole photography in which we made our own pinhole camera using a bin. In this web link are steps and a guide on how to make a pinhole camera:
Negative result of this exercise:

Positive result:
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