Monday, 5 November 2012

Week 5- Hanging Pinhole Exhibtion

We began by spraying the wet collodian glass plates with matte black spray paint keeping it in the same direction so the coverage was even. These would normally have been put on black velvet but spray paint is quicker  cheaper and easier.

Once they had dried me and a few others continued on from where the last group left off. They had used the lazer level to make sure the plates would be even. We then proceed to measure out the gaps where the nails would go in the others rows and nail them in. I then put the plate in carefully between he nails and resting it on the lower ones. We looked at how secure it was and hit the nails on the side in or out where required.

This is a slight overview of the exhibition:

An artist that I like who does pinhole is Jo pabcock who can be found here:

He makes a pinhole out of an object such as a candle box and will then photograph candles with the pinhole camera. I think this is a very cool concept to his work and takes alot of skill to perfect.

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