Monday, 5 November 2012

Week 6- Digital Layering & Hanging Pinhole Exhibiton

Last week we started to hang our exhibition for our Pinhole and wet collodian work and this week we finished it. Below is an example of how we displayed it:

We used clips to and nails to secure all of the work onto the wall which is the most cost and time efficient way however i don't feel it is the best way to present our work. I personally would of put clips at the bottom of the work too to give it more of a finished look however it could be argued that not clipping the bottom and it curves over shows the process of the use of a bin. I do however feel that the wet collidian images are laid out well and work together.

Collapartive pair of artists that had a similar method of putting their work together to digital layering  was Gilbert and George however theirs was almost in grid formation. Every piece of work they do is related to the four things they see as most important in life, sex, region and death. Here is an example of Gilbert and George's work:

Later on during this day we began to layer our studio copying images we did in week 4 on Photoshop to create one merged overall image. This has been the most enjoyable thing in image lab yet as we had alot more independence and it was a more personalized project. We will then piece everyone's A2 image together to make a sort of montage of representation of our whole class. I like the concept of this idea and have found it the piece of work I am pleased with most so far. Below is my final digital layering image:

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