Monday, 10 December 2012

Week 11- Time and the Image

Before today's session I did a bit more research on time and the image in the library journals and found an artist called David Bate who takes his inspiration from a 1979 film 'Stalker' that is directed by Andrey Tarkovsi. " This Film tells a story of two men being led by a stalker through the mysterious 'zone'.." This is what Bate tried to show in his images titled places of memory places of change. He had an image of a pocket watch and the time changing which i thought could be a good idea to look at for my time image.

For my time image I ended up photographing people moving and rushing to shop for Christmas in town on a 2.5 second exposure.

 I got this idea when I thought about previous exhibitions I had gone to and I thought about one i went to in 2009 called '100 days' by Jason Butler a jersey artist who I actually had a lot of time working with last year doing life drawing. He did this exhibition as a document of his travels in Rwanda.

There was a painting in this exhibition of many people in a blurred sense walking along that really caught my eyes due to the bright vivid colours in it and this is kind of what I planned to try and capture.

I did manage to capture what i wanted to but next time i should use a tripod so the background is still but i kind of feel the movement adds to the panic.

Source: Journal Portfolio no.34


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