Monday, 10 December 2012

Week 10- Blog Hand in, Gallery work discussion and Time and the image

Firstly during this weeks session Nick Papaconstantinou came in and discussed how to hand our work in on our online portal. He then talked us through how to add labels to our posts on our blog as these are helpful to get your self out there and more well known on the internet world.

We then got into small groups of about 13 people and discussed the Gallery write up we hung last week. a conclusion I drew from this is It can be difficult to find all the details of a piece of artwork but it is helpful to know so that you can maybe test the methods your self. You become aware of how differently work can be hung in a gallery space. This is good to look into for when we hang our own work in an exhibition.

I began to look into time and the image where i came across an artist  in a journal called Naoya Hatakeyama who did light trails through windows called 'Slow Glass'.

I liked the concept of different ways time can be shown such as it takes time for sound to travel and her work is about how light travels.

sources: Portfolio Journal no. 34

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